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Gum disease is a prevalent dental condition that can result in loose and lost teeth if not treated. Fortunately, the first stage of gum disease–gingivitis–is more easily treated than the later stage of gum disease or periodontitis. However, it’s best to prevent this disease altogether. Let’s take a look at how you can do this!

–Keep up with your oral hygiene. This is vital if you want to keep gum disease away from your smile. Brushing, flossing and rinsing are three techniques that will effectively and properly clean your smile each day from the plaque that creates gum disease. Remember to brush every morning and every night and floss and rinse daily.

–Don’t skip scheduled six-month checkups. These checkups and cleanings are extremely important. In fact, they are important because they include the only treatment that can completely prevent gum disease, which is the treatment that involves removing the plaque and tartar from your teeth and gumline. This is why the cleanings are strongly encouraged every six months. So, if you keep up with your dental cleanings twice a year, your teeth and gums can remain in pristine condition.

–If you have gum disease, come in for scaling and root planing to remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar, and to slow the advancement of the disease. If you have dental anxiety, our dentist is happy to offer anesthetic and other comfort options to ensure that you feel comfortable during your treatment. We may split the scaling and root planing treatment into several appointments to treat one section of the mouth at each appointment.

–In addition to scaling and root planing, gum disease treatment may include other types of periodontal therapy, such as antibiotic treatment.

If you have any questions about gum disease or would like to schedule an appointment in Stilwell, Oklahoma, please call Catron Family Dentistry at 918-696-4200. Dr. Chad Catron and our dental team are more than happy to help you!